All Over The Place 24


Synonyms: Chaotic, disorganised, jumbled, undisciplined, inescapable, omnipresent, rife, ubiquitous, untidy, haphazard, confused, deranged, 


discombobulated, disconnected, disjointed.


This website is to document my year in New Zealand 2023

Hi! I’m Alice, a travel enthusiast from England embarking on an exciting adventure to the beautiful New Zealand. 

Honestly I have wanted to start a blog for years but never known what to write about, and now with this trip I thought it was a great opportunity to start. 

I will start off by sharing my experiences travelling New Zealand, as I want a space where I can document and explore my experiences and I hope it can be a useful resource for you too. Hopefully I will provide practical advice, insider tips, and personal stories that will encourage and inform fellow travellers on their own adventures. 

Happy reading

Blog posts

waterfall, water, tree-5229807.jpg

Food and drinks

Reviews and suggestions for where to eat and drink in New Zealand

forest, trees, sunlight-56930.jpg

Diary thoughts

Diary type posts about what I've been up to in New Zealand

tree, woods, grass-6817547.jpg

Things to do

Main attractions and route planning for New Zealand


12 Month Working Holiday Visa

I’m travelling New Zealand on a 12 month WHV and I want to document and share my experiences. My current plan is to travel for a few weeks and then get a job for 8 weeks. I might then fly to Fiji for a month to escape the wintery weather, before coming back to work again and hopefully I will have budgeted well enough to be able to afford to travel throughout summer. I would also then love to head home via South East Asia but I haven’t thought that far ahead 🙂